In this document description of milestones is provided and what requirements the platform should satisfy for each of them
Milestone 0.1 - achieved December 19, 2022¶
Goal: ability to use the platform for dataset collection based research in the particular university with the fixed infrastructure
Task/Pipeline/Experiment definition and processing
Ability to use a particular infrastructure deployed in the university (SaltStack)
Ability to collect results, logs, and produced artifacts
Task implementation support for different platforms (linux-based amd64, arm64, pisa switches via sidecar)
Docker environment generation and usage
Milestone 0.2 – achieved February 19, 2023¶
Goal: public availability of the platform (repositories and documentation), ability to deploy infrastructure in other places using cloud connectors
Stabilize the public API (netunicorn-base, netunicorn-client, public part of netunicorn-mediator)
Ability to use multiple nodes infrastructures together
Public documentation of the user-side of the platform
Public documentation of the platform general design
Examples of user-side code (basic usage, tasks creating, etc)
Public repositories CI/CD workflows for releases
Public Python package releases
Public Docker images releases
Milestone 0.3 – achieved May 10, 2023¶
Goal: ability to deploy this platform in another universities and provide basic usage capabilities
Event-based system for nodes synchronization
Easiness of deployment of the system (docker-compose)
AWS and Ansible support
Adding user-specific infrastructure dynamically
Implementation of DAGs instead of pipelines
Inter-platform event-based interaction
Analysis platform integration (closing the loop)